The County of Westchester (the "Issuer") is posting this information with the intent that market participants may provide advice to us regarding municipal financial products or the issuance of municipal securities and utilize the independent registered municipal advisor exemption from the municipal advisor definition in Securities and Exchange Commission rules.

The Issuer is currently represented by, and will rely on the advice of (in the sense that it will seek and consider the advice, analysis and perspective of, before making a determination), Munistat Inc. ("Munistat"), in considering information (other than general information that does not involve a recommendation) that you provide to us regarding municipal financial products or the issuance of municipal securities.

We have inquired of Munistat and they have advised us that there are no Associated Individuals (within the meaning of the SEC Staff's FAQ No. 3.6) who within the last two years had been Associated Individuals at a broker-dealer firm.